22 Apr 2015

Machault - Messe de Notre Dame


Messe de Nostre Dame is a beautiful polyphonic mass composed before 1365 by French poet and composer Guillaume de Machaut (c. 1300–1377). It is one of the great masterpieces of medieval music and of all religious music. Opposite to the Tournai Mass, it is not a compilation from several composers but created by Guillaume as single composer. 

It is possible that Machaut was familiar with the Tournai MassThe Gloria and Credo of the Messe de Nostre Dame show similarities to the Tournai mass, such as textless musical interludes, simultaneous style, and long melismatic Amens. The other four movements of Machaut's mass are composed in motet style with mass text.

For me, the Pater Nostre is one of the most lovely pieces, as it reminds me of being as a young kid in the cloister of my uncle, who was a Benedictine monk. Their chant was filling the church the same time as the incense was filling it and the sun entering through the Rose window. Felt like a heavenly experience.

Please also listen to the Introitus with the beautiful bells joining the voices!

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